Thursday, August 23, 2007

brit does allure then flees to europe

i dont really know what to make of this new britney spread in allure. i mean...she looks great. hard to know how much of it is real and how much isn't. but i still think she looks smashing and she is poised for a comeback.

she's let me down many times this year but i'm giving her one more shot. if she isn't back in good form (and speaking to her mother...) by the end of 07 i'm finally throwing away my greatest hits cd.

for now, she is on the fence.

John Mayer...

has he ever looked better? No seriously...has he?

Totally appropriate.

Although in this one he is hanging out in Red Hook. Ewe!

Eat your heart out, Simpson.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

12 x 12

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Everyone knows I'm not the hugest fan of cheap shiznit. It has long been my philosophy that I'd much rather have one really nice cashmere sweater (lets say vince or ralph lauren for all of you commoners) that I can keep for years and years than spend money on shitloads of disposable clothing.

A) bad for the enviro
B) acrylic piles like a bitch
C) It just isn't attractive

But I also really enjoy indulging in the small accents of trend. I don't believe in turning all skull-tastic when that is in style but I sure loved the Alexander McQueen scarf. You get my drift (or maybe you don't)?

Anyhow, I have equated this expensive investments are often worth it--you pay for what you get philosophy into a metaphor for life, or at least demographics.

One of my biggest beafs with the state of Texas was that the entire time I was there I just felt like people had no concept of quality versus quantity. They'd rather have a wardrobe full of Mossimo rather than a good pair of Seven jeans. Stupidity with a capital S.

I just think there is something to be said about people raised with that mentality that less is not more. When its cashmere, more is better. Trust me, cheap cashmere is about as good as sushi from the supermarket.

These same people do my other least favorite practice: argue over the check. I HATE NICKEL AND DIMERS. But that is a whole nother posting.

So.... living here in the big apple I have become broker than ever. And I have started to try to buy the trendy pieces on a budget. Sometimes that means Buffalo Exchange (again, another posting) and sometimes *gasp* that has meant H&M or Forever 21.

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I was/am so pleased by this new collection that is *expensive* (aka still cheaper than the Gap) from Forever 21: Twelve by Twelve.

Organized by cute names (Mystical Forest---LOVE IT!) I am in love with these pieces. I have ordered a few, including the cute optical number from up above. Yep, I just wrote number.

They haven't arrived yet but should they have 1/4 the quality that they appear to (fingers and toes crossed) I think I might have a way to get by until my sugar daddy emerges.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mandy Moore Outshines Rihanna

This cover by the former Candy singer (yes you hoosiers, I did see her at the Indiana State Fair do Candy oh so many years ago when she opened for O-Town, yes, opened) kicks some serious Rihanna ass as she does a BEAUTIFUL cover of Rihanna's umbrella. Check it out.

Plus 100000 appropriate points for Ms. Moore.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

totally appropriate: brad womack, the next bachelor

I am so happy to finally be able to share (what I've known for awhile) that ABC has chosen my good friend Brad to be the next Bachelor. This picture and description do not do him justice, but let me tell you ladies, he is the real deal.

Love him!

Tune in on September 24th.

*face to face with a nipple

so I went to hear my friend kellie nicole sing the other night (isn't she great!) and at that show i met this friend of her's...nipple. (My name for him--to his face, lloooong story).

Shut up, I know what you are thinking....I always come up with names for people. What can I say? I'm gifted =)

So back to the subject at hand: Shadiness.

have you ever met someone and you really just thought they might be a cool person (fun, semi-attractive, articulate, entertaining, good manners, any combo of the above) and you felt yourself intrigued to be their friend yet in the back of your mind you felt like there might be something super shady about them?

yep, that's nipple in a nutshell.

the verdict is out on this guy. i'll likely never see him again and i don't really care but i'm telling you, there is something very strange about this guy. I have this weird feeling he is going to resurface at a later and totally inappropriate time.

What I really want to know from my invisible readers are---does this ever happen to you? Do you ever meet someone and feel strangely drawn to them and you don't know why? Do you ever meet anyone and feel like you will meet them again?

What gives...I'll keep you posted. And by you I mean the zero people who read this shit.

Photo: In honor of nipple, I am posting for you the totally inappropriate photo of Jessica Simpson on an average day letting it all hang out. Enjoy. Puke. Whatever your poison.

taking it down to the country

This would be some bbq from Hill Country BBQ here in NYC. I have had a couple of bad customer service experiences there but it is by far the best bbq I have had in the city.

I must say for food that will make you fatter than the devil it is damn good.

Totally appropriate.

dogs fight back

As you can tell I have been pretty obsessed with this Michael Vick nastiness. I was so happy to stumble upon this video today, check it out.

He is so done, he might as well put on the black and white stripes and check himself in.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


what possesses people to put plastic (or are they rubber? who really knows, I would never touch one) shoes on their feet with holes on them is beyond me. but then to make them in bright colors, in wide shapes, and with accessories is just out of control.

definitely the most inappropriate footwear of the year, if not the lifetime.

totally appropriate: vick chew toy

This is awesome. Period.