Monday, December 31, 2007

gawker's top 10 comments of 07

These are great...

10. From OOVY in Posh Spice Loves Attention

"How about 'Like a moth to a spotlight, she was drawn to the spotlight, because she is a moth. Or like one.'"

[That is as beautiful as a flower that is beautiful.]

9. From ELLAGOOD in McSweeney's: Dave Eggers Desperate To Welsh On Bad Bet:

"i can't read that shit. everything looks like a dispatch from the fucking boston tea party."

[Everything does.]

8. From AATOM in J. Rhys Meyers, Clearly Gay:

"He's gay because I saw The Secret and I've been focusing real hard on one of my goals."

[Oprah! Sort of!]

7. From MOMO in 151 Wooster: Where the Basquiat At?

"About ten years ago, I was friends with and secretly in love with an amazingly talented artist. Brilliant and crazy and sexy as all hell.

I did press kits for him and hung out with him whenever he was around. (He would disappear for months at a time.) There were shows on the far west side of Spring Street and parties in warehouse lofts in Williamsburg and Long Island City.

At one of those parties in LIC, we had both taken some acid and ecstasy. While I was on the roof professing my true love of the symmetrical beauty of water towers, the artist of my affection was sort of having a freakout, taking off his clothes and standing on top of the kitchen counter.

It was decided to take him to my place. Two friends joined the artist and I as we walked the mile in the cold Sunday morning. We passed people filing into churches and noticed little glimpses of beauty in trees, architecture, and pebbles.

The artist was still agitated when we arrived to my place. To calm him, we gave him crayons, markers, pencils and paints and a large blank wall of my place. He drew in a mad frenzy and created a garbled dimorphic cataclysm filled with rage and confusion and anger.

A couple years passed, and I'd met a more stable business-minded person. In time he moved in with me and, partly from dislike of the piece and partly (perhaps more so) from knowing the work was of a past crush, he demanded the wall painted over. The wall was covered in a cream nondescript paint.

The relationship lasted six years. The artist disappeared forever around 2002. The wall remains covered in the nondescript paint. Occasionally, when every light in the room is on and I'm looking at the right angle, I can see a slight flush of red in the center of the wall. Those are good times"


6. From MATHNET in Nightmare Online Dater John Fitzgerald Page Is The Worst Person In The World:

"John Fitzgerald Page just signed for a Thank You cheese basket from The Pollack Family."

[The Circle (jerk) Game]

5. From TITANICA in Times Square Still Extremely Unsafe For Children:

"She got served."

[Small and perfect.]

4. From BK_KT in Emotional Fan Defends Britney Spears:

"He makes a good point."

[Leave no one alone. Ever.]

3. From MALE GIRDLE in Someone Is Trying To Kill Kevin Federline! Please Tell Him!

"don't people who want to murder other people have better people to murder?"

[I hope so, for our sake.]

2. From CODEPINK in CBS News Thinks Dan Rather Has Paranoid Delusions of Grandeur:

"I should really start making a bigger deal about things."



"Well, I can top that."

[Oh, I believe it.]

dating in the city?

Dear Invisibles,

This is probably going to sound crazy to those of you who know me or maybe not crazy because you know how much of a hussy I am, but I have been approached now--twice--in the past 24 hours to write a dating column/blog for two different entities that both have online and offline [listen to my marketing jargon coming out, what I meant was print!] components.

I am sooo torn. It would be great to write again, but I'm not sure I want all of that to be out there. All of my drama with men, all of the lies that they tell me that are humiliating, all of the mistakes I make with them.

I am having an internal debate....what... to... do...

What would my pseudonym be? What would the men I date think? Would they only want to go out with me because I might write about how great they are or how big it is? Ha. See this is the type of shit that is going to get me into mega mega trouble.

I can feel it...

I wish I could be as peaceful and serene and clear headed as my lovely, Elle, pictured above, sleeping...this morning.

apologize remix with timbaland

this is amazing.

so haunting!

dear brody....

step away from the Federline.

2007 redux

So here is how you do this----everything in bold you should fill out yourselves. Make sure you do one and post your link in the comments. I know you're invisible, aka, there is no one here, but just in case anyone happens to read...I'd love to hear about your 2007.

My 2007 in a word: changing

In 2007, I gained a couple of new life-long friends (Yvette, Marie, Maria, I love you), a new perspective, a new hope.
I lost a few pounds, a boyfriend, my regrets.
I stopped smoking. No more.
I started to believe that I deserve to be truly happy.
I was hugely satisfied by my decision to move to New York.
And frustrated by the change in actions of my best friend.
I am so embarrassed that I still got drunk to the point of making an ass of myself, more than once, none of that in 08. Also, embarrassed that I really liked a married man. Sigh.
Once again, I broke my smoking ban, then reinstated it, then broke it, then....
Once again, I did not fall in love, save money.
The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is I am getting in much better shape, ran my first race, and fell in love with yoga.
The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this
December is I actually love myself.
I loved spending time Yvette.
Why did I spend even two minutes with someone who couldn't ever be with me?
I should have spent more time at museums, galleries, and running.
I regret buying that horrible pair of red heels. Ha.
I will never regret buying more and more and more clothes even though with that money I could have bought a nice huge plasma tv.
I laughed and drank and ate way too much.
I didn’t travel enough.
The knowledge that I could be more drove me crazy.
Was life and global warming crazier than ever last year? Or was it me?
The most relaxing place I went was to an Irish wedding with Kieran, yes, I know...
I feel so at peace, grateful, full of love when I write that down.
Why did I go to Fatty Crab so many times at 3 a.m.?
The best thing I did for someone else was let them go.
The best thing I did for myself was clean out the closet, so to speak.
The best thing someone did for me was let me know that it would be possible to love someone again, give me true friendship, its a tie.
The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, is run a race, take a chance, go on a date.

the weekend of lindsay lohan: sunday

...and then her weekend ended on Sunday where she was caught in the action making out with another Italian actor, Dario Faiella. Riley Giles, who?!
Sigh. All in a good weekend of work right LiLo?

Sunday, December 30, 2007

paris and k-fed.

this is pathetic. i really am at a loss for words. in vegas, this weekend. ewe!

the weekend of lindsay lohan: saturday

Saturday night she was spotted making out with the older and super sexy Italian actor Eduardo Costa. This guy is like the Italian George Clooney (although at times GC would like to think he is Italian I think). He is super hot. Score for her here...definitely moving up from Friday's activities.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

the weekend of lindsay lohan: friday

The Daily Mail has pictures of Lindsay Lohan slutting it up all weekend in Italy [we knew they brought her there for a reason!] Hohan is being honored at some third tier wanna be film festival in Capri, but I think they really brought her there so she could channel her inner slut!

She was spotted kissing 3 men in 3 days. Doesn't she realize they are photographing this shit??? Her first victim was waiter, Alessandro Di Nunzio. They met at a restaurant and exchanged numbers and spit! Classic.

Friday, December 28, 2007

John Mayer channels his inner douche.

Coming live at you from John M's blog. He doesn't allow for linking to his postings (get with it johnny!) so I have cut and pasted his recent entry below. Hilarious.

side note: totally EWE! that he is friends with Pete Wentz.

Death to Douchebag
1 of a 129-part series on the year that was 2007,
By John Mayer


"What a douchebag."

It feels good to say, "douchebag." It's got two different plosive sounds, the "D" and "B", and nicely wedged between is a wonderful "sh" sound (technically known as a voiceless palato-alveolar sibilant, at the risk of coming off douchey) that, when preceded with "oooooh", give your lips the sensation of sliding on a hardwood floor in a pair of woolen socks.

And "douchebag" was on the vinegary tips of everyone's tongues this year. Trouble is, I'm not really clear on what it means, and I don't know that anyone does. I know that I get called one. Pete Wentz from Fallout Boy, by measure of a google search, is a douchebag 11,100 times over, or the number of results that the search engine says exist. Zach Braff, who himself wrote one of the better films I've seen in the last decade is also frequently 'bagged, as is some guy named Brody Jenner. In fact, if you want to go big, so is Michael Stipe, Bono ("supreme douchebag"), Thom Yorke, Will Smith and Brad Pitt.

Are you as confused as I am as to what the common denominator of douchiness is? Is it someone that comes off obnoxious? Self aggrandizing? Ignorant? Or is it just someone who exists out of another person's comfort zone? And doesn't that account for almost everyone in the world, celebrity or otherwise? Don't most people, given the fact that they're NOT US lie somewhere outside our comfort zone? being a douchebag actually all about having a bigger smile than someone else deems you deserve to in life? I think I'm onto something here. Stick with me.

In the case of Pete Wentz, whom I can comment on personally, I think the guy's got the job description of musician down pretty damn well. True, it's not your dad's rock star template, but he'd be inauthentic if he tried to fit inside it. Pete Wentz has a truckload of ideas. Big, bold, colorful ideas. They're ideas that have never once had their edges sanded down, and for that reason some people might find him or his band too much to swallow. You know who else had that going for them in their day? Frank Zappa. And David Bowie. And Peter Gabriel. And Elton John. And the Doors. Pretty much every rock band from A-Z existed because of their ignoring conventional boundaries. Pete's going to keep pretending. Because that's all art really is. You puff up your sense of pretend as big as you can and then try and live up to it. (Maybe that's what people think being a douchebag is?)

I personally don't mind being called a douchebag. I've met my fair share of bloggers, and I'm much, much taller than them. It's also because I need there to be some push on the castle walls, so to speak. I'm not happy when people agree. (Don't make me start listing the names of seminal artists that weren't either.) I think it's easier to call "douchebag" than to confront the possibility that:


Maybe I should take this opportunity to define douchebag once and for all; I think if enjoying your life as you choose happens to spill over into treating others without respect, then you're a total, world-class douchebag.

But then wouldn't that also serve as a fitting description of the boy who cried "douche"?

Maybe it's just really fun to say.

some chick wants to ride paul janka.

"You are a genius with bedroom hair and a face made for riding. I can only imagine what the stubble must feel like against my smooth skin and hope to find out soon."

Click here to read a super long rambling about sex, riding, promotional merchandise, and this guy named Paul Janka who is apparently 1 part cassanova, 1 part player. Hmmm...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Riley Giles is an idiot.

I can't believe he is selling all of these stupid photos. What the f? This guy is a loser. For once, I am on team LiLo.

life, love, the journey.

I think that this is the first time since leaving Asheville maybe ever that I have really missed it. He would totally throw up but I keep remembering that part of Sex and the City where Mr. Big leaves those two gifts for Carrie when he moves to Napa Valley and he leaves her 2 gifts---a record for when she gets lonely of their song and plane tickets for when he gets lonely. Sigh.

Yeah, ummm that isn't really relevant here other than so many parts of me want to be back there with him. I don't think I could EVER be happy living in Asheville...but I also don't know if I can be happy without living near him.

Better than this silly Sex and the City correlation, the other quote that comes to mind is one my mom used to tell me often.

"And the end of all our exploring. Will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time."

T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding

That is how I feel. Home with him. We've been on a roller coaster of friendship for so many years, could he really be the person I've been looking for all along? Why can't I stop thinking about him? Sigh. What a Christmas break, I tell you.

Shirley McClaine channels her inner Carolyn Payton

I can't help but think that this photo looks exactly like what my mom will look like in 20 years. lol.

Calm down mom, at least I said in 20 years ;)

I rectangle Tionna.

"The funny thing is a week later, he was back trying to get in my drawers so don't fall for that G (meaning game). I just think you should remain friends with this guy, don't give up the panties, and see where it goes because the more you bone him, the more your feelings will grow and you don't want to be left with a wet ass and some Chinese food (as my father likes to say). I hope this works out for you."

Read it all here.

...and another one bites the dust.

Can any Hollywood starlet between the ages of 19-30 avoid a DUI? She should've stayed in Hoboken.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

" :: abandon vs obligation

"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it."


" :: go confidently

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."

--Henry David Thoreau

Sigh. He must've been amazing. If only it were that easy....or is it?

esmee's what goes around comes around

This chick is starting to get on my nerves but I must say her rendition of JT's "What Goes Around Comes Around" is fantastic. She has a lot of soul for someone who wears Abercrombie & Fitch. ;)

until the end of time.

I really love this live performance that JT did of Until the End of Time.

ps--memo to JT: stop disabling embedding!

Lily Allen helps open Harrod's

Lily helped Mr. Al Fayed [Princess Diana's boyfriend's dad] open Harrod's Winter Sale today in London. Actually Lily looks pretty and not all scragly like she usually does. Paging Al Fayed--what is up with the paisley?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

i rectangle p.s. i love you. actually a good movie.

Shocking I know?! Who would've known?!

It was filmed in Williamsburg when I lived there (horror!) and I thought it was going to be cheesy beyond belief --I saw them filming it x 100 (last October, November and part of December) and wasn't really impressed with what I saw. Lisa Kudrow is annoying. And I can't seem to shake the whole Boys Don't Cry many parts of me still think Hillary Swank kind of looks like a tranny but I must say....this movie was awesome, touching, heart warming and all of that jazz...and Swank had a fantastic shoe collection. It isn't Carrie Bradshaw style, but not bad. She might have redeemed herself.

The stealer of the show was Gerard Butler who is my new obsession.

I know what you guys are going to say...I am a sucker. What can I say?! Those accents are so sexy (!)

Christmas Day Chinatown Eats.

I wish I could be here and enjoy some of the soup dumplings off of this list. Yumm. I think I'll do this on New Year's day this year....

Monday, December 24, 2007

" :: relationships

Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

-Carrie, Sex and the City

Sunday, December 23, 2007

van cleef suing heidi. how dare they!

I was so upset to read this hear this news...apparently, Van Cleef & Arpels is suing Klum's company, GmbH, and Mouawad USA, another brand for which she has created items, for upwards of $25,000 worth of damages. Legal papers claim that Heidi has profited from Van Cleef's reputation by producing accessory lines similar to the gem corporation's clover-themed Alhambra line.

I can see the correlation---they are both clovers---but other than that, I think this is a bit of a stretch. Klum loves clovers....and I don't see how a common plant can be trademarked by a jeweler?

Heidi (so cute!) has called the four-leaf flora her favorite symbol of good fortune. "I hope the pieces are true good-luck charms for the women who wear them," she said at the unveiling of her finery on home shopping network QVC.

What do you think? I think they should let it go...someone who buys from the van cleef line would NEVER shop as low of a price point and klum's line anyways. I'm all about copywrite protection but this is just too much of a stretch.

" :: pass an invisible boundary

"If one advances confidently in the directions of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind and will pass an invisible boundary, new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him"

--Henry David Thoreau in Walden

i saw him.

It was amazing.I am not sure what it means but for some reason I can't stop smiling, I feel like my heart is smiling and it is coming through my face. I am so confused yet so clear at the same time. I know what I want...I just have no idea where he stands. My head is swirling...but it is swirling because I am so happy and scared and excited and so curious as to what he is thinking. It was so much better than even my best expectation could have been. We walked to his house in the was a magical night.

I am just really at a loss for words. I think for a few hours I have felt what really being in love could feel like.

It was amazing. So what now? I am so scared yet so hopeful.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

my sister and i.

So I have arrived in Asheville. Woohoo. I am reunited with my sis [photo of us during her nyc visit in noviembre at left at rockettes]. So great to see her. She is still tiny, somewhat bitchy, but overall a great kid. In general, it feels good to be home and still so nervous and scared. Coming home here is always interesting because it isn't the house I grew up in---I've actually never lived here--so I am like 50% at home and yet some part of me still feels like this just isn't really my home. Maybe New York actually is?

Maybe my love affair with the city of new york has actually turned into a full fledged relationship.

I think I might get to see the guy with whom I need to say what I need to say tonight, like in a couple of hours. It seems like he doesn't really want to see me...but then again, would I? I probably wouldn't even be accepting his calls if the roles were reversed. I hope that I can get out everything that I want to say, I hope he has an open mind, I hope maybe what should have happened when I am 18 might finally happen. Maybe I can drive around in another circle....and actually arrive at a destination.

So many maybes....


angelina + shiloh

They are in NoLa doing some rebuilding for the holidays. I am not a super kid person, but look at Shiloh's adorable face. She has to be one of the cutest kids--ever.

" :: life's a dance.

"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

-Matsuo Basho

" :: keep walking.

"Good people keep walking whatever happens."


is it ever possible to trully forgive? i am in charlotte at the hotel with my mom, preparing for some final holiday shopping later on today prior to going home to asheville.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I am heading home with a lot of excitement (after being gone for 2 plus years) but also some anticipation and a little bit of anxiety.

I was going to wait to the new year to announce a new advice angle to this blog coming to life, and I will at that time in much more detail, but one of the questions that i was asked recently amidst discussion and gathering material for this psychological experament (if you so kindly will) that I am going to be conducting is......IS IT POSSIBLY FOR SOME ONE TO FULLY FORGIVE ANOTHER PERSON IF THERE HAS BEEN A BETRAYAL? CAN TRUST EVER FULLY BE REGAINED?

What is interesting about that question at this specific point in time for me, is that I am not really sure what I believe in that. I think that if you respect or love someone and you have done something to hurt them in anyway (lie, betray, do wrong) then you should do whatever you can to try to rectify that---what that means depends on the situation, but at the very least you can attempt to atone. In doing that, how that person responds to that is so highly subjective I really believe it depends on the situation. There is no formula for making things right, all you can do is try and hope that there can be a full level of forgiveness.

I think I ultimately believe that it is possible to forgive, fully...but not possible to fully forget. I think in forgiving you can let go of a lot of anger but I think in not being able to fully forget, there is almost always going to be some element of something in the back of the mind....of the one who has been betrayed, but also of the one who did the betrayal. Guilt is some hard shit to shake.

This is relevant in my life right now because I am hopefully going to see a guy (later today) for the first time in a long time. This Where to even begin. I could probably write a full fledged 450 page novel about this relationship I have with him and all of the f-ed up things I have done...and maybe I will someday...but for the sake of keeping this somewhat short, lets just say that he was one of my best friends growing up, we never hooked up, I wanted to but it never happened, I am not sure if he wanted/wants to...or if he even ever felt that way.

The entire time we've had this weird friendship---it has been filled with tension and hope and love and passion....and could've probably been much more but instead I also caused it to be filled with a lot of emptiness. I have not followed through on my end of the bargain more often than I have with him, I've been a shitty friend, and I think perhaps there is an irreparable loss of trust from him to me.

It gets more complicated because I am pretty sure I am in love with him. Every guy I have ever dated I've compared to him. He's always in the back of my mind....and I just can't seem to shake it. I think I need to know. Need to know what it would be like to kiss him and if there is ever any part of him that could ever/has ever/ will ever love any part of me and be able to look past our roller coaster of a relationship thus far and give it/us a shot.

There are so many factors: i could never live in asheville/he likely wouldn't live in nyc, he's never given me any indication that he'd even want to kiss me, and we have a mountain full of shit between us that I have caused.

I have decided that I am going to spill it to him and just tell him how I feel, apologize...and say what I need to say.

I am so terrified that he will reject me....but more terrified that I might spend my whole life never knowing.

Sigh. Here we go....

ps---photo of my favorites...something about it just looks like light,love, happiness, and hope all bundled into a single random MOMA exhibit.

Friday, December 21, 2007

" :: the journey is late.

"It's late, the road is long. Yes, it is time."
-Bilbo Baggins

home for the holidays...

Like many of you, I am going to be heading home for the holidays. Unlike many of you (and by you of course, I kind of feel like I am mostly talking to myself again, which I certainly am, so maybe I am actually kind of saying unlike myself, which is really really weird) I have a lot of reasons to not necessarily be comfortable in my hometown.

Broken friendships, mistakes, roads, is like my mantra. Most importantly, I am just really scared that being there I will not be able to do what I really want/need/have to do---confront a situation with a friend.

Nervous, scared, excited, happy....and ready to say something (actually some thingsssssss) that I have needed to say for quite some time.

I have to run to catch my flight, more details on this inevitable conversation soon.

happy holidays!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

" :: goethe

"Nothing, above all is comparable to the new life that a reflective person experiences when he observes a new country. Though I am still always myself, I believe I have been changed to the very marrow of my bones."

NY Real Estate / Broker Google Mashup

Just launched is this new mashup that allows you to search for apts in NY and view reviews/feedback of the actual properties and brokers.

I feel like most of these Google mashups are really messed up and don't ever amount to much because people don't contribute to them. You can't have a system that works if people aren't engaged and doing their part to make it have depth and resources.

So that might be the challenge here. If this catches on then it could be brilliant and rival all of the bullshit that clogs up Craigslist. If it doesn't....not so much.

I feel like the whole broker world is somewhat inevitable, so that part of it doesn't bother me. However, I wish they would list which brokerage firms...some of them are total dogs.


Jay Z and Beyonce Seal the Deal

Let's hope it is not the beginning of the end. I am crossing my fingers for them that this is not going to totally ruin their good relationship.

Rapper Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter wed his longtime love Beyonce in a small private ceremony in Paris, France. The superstar couple is alleged to have gotten married while on vacation in the romantic city last week.

The pair, who have been dating since they collaborated on a song in 2002 [OMG, they are like totally the real Bonnie & Clyde!], kept the wedding quiet so that they would not be interrupted by media attention.

Beyoncé and the rapper also had tattoos on their wedding fingers to mark their relationship, it has been revealed. A source said: “They didn’t want all the attention that usually follows them around. They just wanted it to be intimate and romantic. It was lovely and they are both blissfully happy.” The insider added: “They thought the tattoos would be a lovely personal touch.” Keep it classy, Jay.

I'm going to give this union 3 + years. I think they're in it to win it.

Side note: There is something about Jay that is super sexy.

get outta my head, ashlee.... PUHLEASE.

I really cannot stand this song on so many levels.

Why does Ashlee Simpson still have a record career?

LC's Linea Pelle new handbag collection

So Lauren Conrad can now add high end purse "designer" to her bag of tricks (ha. pun intended). I am really actually loving this tote bag from the collection. I think I might snag one in the olive color.

Linea Pelle is reputable. I don't know how she scored this deal but it is a good one.

Casey + Jamie Lynn are Over according to his Myspace

Suddenly I'm starting to think maybe Mama Spears is full of shit.

Even the Dallas Cowboys hate Jessica Simpson.

T.O. lays the smack down:

"Right now, Jessica is not a fan favorite -- in this locker room or in Texas Stadium," he says.

It's nothing personal, actually -- T.O. just wants Tony to throw some TDs. "With everything that has happened, obviously with the way Tony played and the comparison between her and Carrie Underwood, I think a lot of people feel she has taken his focus away."

And, in true Owens fashion, he' has to leave with a future threat/final word: "Oh, I got a message for her when we make the playoffs. Just stay tuned."

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

jlo gets around.

This isn't really a revelation, but it is funny nonetheless.

Heidi Montag makes her engagement ring into a pendant

Via US Weekly, on stands today: On the season finale of The Hills, Heidi Montag announced she needed time "to think" alone and then walked out on fiance Spencer Pratt. The season finale ended with fans wondering what was next for the couple most viewers love to hate until we saw a montage on TMZ of them going Christmas tree shopping listening to some Mexican holiday jams. And then we saw the inpromptu Montag lip syncing session.

So there wasn't really any question that they were together....however, in an exclusive interview in the new Us Weekly, "an often tense Montag and Pratt explain why their engagement ended, and claim they are still together – but with no plans to wed."

US Weekly must be pissed. The Hills is so popular these days they must have thought they had the market on lock with this cover. Then Jamie Lynn got knocked up and sold out to Ok! Sigh. US Weekly keeps losing the big stories, they better get their shit in gear.

Anyhow, back to Speidi:

Says Montag,"We're just going back to being boyfriend and girlfriend..." as Pratt interjects without mockery, "...when our relationship was flawless." Was it ever flawless? Hmm...Didn't it cost Heidi to lose like 100% of her friends?

So where is Montag's engagement ring? "I turned it into a pendant," she says. "It wasn't my dream ring. I don't like what it represents. (What the heck does that mean?) I might sell it."

Meanwhile, Pratt says he's sorry: "I need to accept that Heidi wants her princess wedding and that she is the boss." (He is such a DOUCHE!) Montag, for her part, doesn't sound ready to give up quite yet: "I have a high tolerance for pain. I've lived with Spencer." *Burn*

These two are officially losers. The 5 minutes of fame is over.

I bet $50 the cheap ring is on ebay in less than a week.

Tenthousandthings Necklace-- Adorable w/a Cause

I almost have a spasm heart-attack when a designer that I usually can’t usually afford makes something not only within my realm of a grasp but also benefiting charity. Which is exactly what Tenthousandthings has done for Trickle Up, an organization that empowers people living on less than $1 a day to start their own businesses.

The necklace Tenthousandthings designed has three abstract silver charms—a shell with a seed nestled in it, a person, and a globe. Make a $100 donation to Trickle Up (100% of funds go directly to the cause!!!) and get the necklace.

I think I might treat myself, depending on my work bonus...Stay tuned...

Tionna weighs in on men who don't marry

This week Tionna weighs in on a subject that doesn't really have shit to do with me. I don't even have a boyfriend, so I don't need to worry about one who doesn't want to marry me [which, btw, men out there, if that ever happened I would NEVER understand it. I am a commitment phobe, so if it ever got to the point where I wanted to marry YOU you better damn well want to marry me, and preferably several years before I am ready to even consider marrying you].

Now that we have that clear, I just have to speak out on this for a moment. Women---I think sometimes the problem is that you want to marry a guy too early. Just because you are in a relationship and you are getting closer to 30 doesn't mean that you necessarily need to settle down. Let me clue you in--if you marry a guy super early chances are he will garner success later on and either cheat on you or divorce you or do the former then the latter. Trust me, I see it happen all the time.

The other problem is that we all tend to end up from time to time liking the men the most who like us the least. These type of guys aren't looking to commit to anyone--even you, if they love you, which they might very well. The worst thing you can do is ever try to force someone who isn't ready into doing something they aren't ready for.

Then there are the men who say they just don't want to get married. Ahem. I am going to call bullshit on 99% of this. Unless they are Brad Pitt w/ Angelina Jolie, I just don't buy it. This is an excuse. Accept it for what it is and move on. They will end up married, I guarantee you, just not to you.

Ultimately, I think that what Tionna says is true...if the guy REALLY loves you then he will do what will make you happy, and if marrying you is what that is, then he will do it.

Just make sure you aren't coercing him.

My pick for Tionna highlight of the week:

This really isn't a HUGE problem because lots of people always say stuff that they will never do until the fire is under their ass and then they change their mind, you feel me? I think you should make it clear to him that you do believe in marriage and don't plan on being just some man's girlfriend for the rest of your life but don't sound too desperate (because that is a turn off). I think if he is as great of a man as you say he is, he will understand your views about this and marry you because I really feel like a man who loves you would do anything to make you happy—seriously.

ORK Posters Rock my Sox

I'm really loving these ORK posters. Brooklyn is already sold out (gotta love the hipsters) but I am snagging my Manhattan post-holiday. So cute!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So Tila Tequila isn't really bisexual...

She chose a man. This man. Bobby. Obviously. This was inevitable! And this trainwreck has eventually come to an end. That is all folks.

I'm loving...the Shaoo Star Necklace

So cute! What a fabulous, fun accessory!

Jamie Lynn Spears is knocked up.

This is really unbelievable. Is Disney going to axe her show? If they do, they have no balls. Get with it, Disney, times are changing. Unfortunately, this is just a manifestation of what the state of the world is in.

I can't believe she's keeping her child, but she certainly has guts.

So here's the dish....

Britney's 16-year-old sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, is knocked up. Jamie and her mama, Lynne Spears (who is slated to have a parenting book come out in 2008--oops), spilled it all to OK! Magazine. The issue hits stands tomorrow in NYC and on Friday everywhere else. She better have gotten $$$$ for this article. She's gonna need the cash. Jamie is currently 12 weeks pregnant with her longtime and live-in boyfriend, Casey Aldridge. He's 19. Hmmm...add that to the parenting list Mama Spears. What a year for their family!
She said she was shocked when she found out from a home pregnancy test. "As soon as I found out for sure from the doctor, I took two weeks to myself where I didn't tell anybody," she says. "Only one of my friends knew because I needed to work out what I would do for myself before I let anyone's opinion affect my decision. Then I told my parents and my friends. I was scared, but I had to do what was right for me."
She told her mother right before Thanksgiving. Lynne was very upset, but after a week after she found out she became supporting. Lynne told Ok!, "I didn't believe it because Jamie Lynn's always been so conscientious. She's never late for her curfew. I was in shock. I mean, this is my 16-year-old baby."

She said she hasn't told Nickelodeon, but that was at the time of the interview. Nickelodeon issued a statement saying they are supporting her. Blah..blah...yeah right! Viacom doesn't mess around. Just look at the recent events over permalancers and holiday parties.
Another interesting Jamie Lynn sound bite:"I definitely don't think it's something you should do; it's better to wait. But I can't be judgmental because it's a position I put myself in."
Sources told TMZ that Britney only found out today and that she's "frantic." Yeah, she's probably thinking how the hell she's going to top this. She's not going to let her sister take the spotlight.

And lastly, I'll leave you with this: Jamie Lynn said she will raise her baby in Louisiana "so it can have a normal family life." Britney a good example of Kentwood normal?

Noah Kalina's Everyday

This is awesome.

Kristin coming to The Hills?

There is no freaking way LC is going to let this happen.

Kristin is a total no ma'am.

Didn't she swear off of reality tv? She is such a hussy!

Gavin DeGraw's new bar.

This is 100% a must-go, my new regular spot. I don’t really love to venture all the way down on Houston/Allen but for GdeG I am there.

I am really upset I had to find out about this via UrbanDaddy, who says (my commentary included):

“A good bar with a good band is a thing of beauty. It's also a tough find” (they think, I am not sure I agree with this assessment, but lets keep going).

“Well, it turns out Houston Street still has a few tricks up its leather sleeve, in the form of singer/songwriter/owner Gavin DeGraw's [yep, the one who is responsible for one of my favorite songs EVER--Just Friends] National Underground, an old-school rock-n-blues tavern which just quietly opened its doors in the old Martignetti Liquor space."

(Thanks for the invite GdeG!)

I wonder if Joey is going to be playing here regularly? Are they ditching the Bitter End permanently? Are the Bitter End guys investors? SO MANY QUESTIONS!

The Daddy Continues:

“Channeling the kind of spots you only see on your southern jaunts (and in Road House), this Underground is getting rid of ticket lines and stages. It's just an unassuming bar with a mic stand in the corner, some Crazy Horse-inspired table art with silhouettes of the female form (he does love the ladies!), and a metallic crest welded on the bar...well, maybe "unassuming" is too strong a word. But with a lounge curtained-off in the back providing more than a couple intimate corners, you'll have no trouble settling in."

Ummmmm yeah, I can see the DeGraw brothers loving the intimate corners.

"When the place gets fully up-and-running, the owners will use their "industry clout" [ Didn't Clive Davis just shelve his album? That sucks. I think this might be where they are confirming that it is going to be a Joey-a-thon with the occasional Gavin jump in appearance ] to put on a steady stream of acts worth seeing up close—think backstage at a Fever Dog show with a little Johnny Cash and Jack Daniels thrown in. [Ok UrbanDaddy you aren't Almost Famous this is just cheesy] And the larger space downstairs offers up even more old school rock ambience, courtesy of the checkerboard tiles and booths from the set of the Godfather (snagged from an old Bowery set-furniture store)."

Come stalk me there: National Underground, 159 E. Houston St (at Allen), 212-475-0611.

YouTube now censoring :: Perez Hilton?!

This is ridiculous!

" :: every moment is golden.

"Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but to realize it then to accept life unquestioningly. Everything we deny, denigrate, or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy and strength, if faced with an open mind. Every moment is golden for him who has the vision to realize such."
-Henry Miller

Monday, December 17, 2007

" :: journey y marriage

"A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it."
-John Steinbeck

Saturday, December 15, 2007

" :: just out of reach

She can reach me but I can't ever get her

--Mr Big (re: Carrie)

Kiera Knightley's Kelly Green Atonement Dress

Designers Faviana [who? yep, I've never heard of them either] created Keira Knightley's emerald-green gown from her new movie [that I totally love!] Atonement. The couture dress, which cost over 10k to make has the message boards and papers a buzz.

So much buzz that Faviana will be selling a ready to wear version of the dress in stores in January priced at $238, not bad.

We'll see this on prom dance floors near you.

Friday, December 14, 2007

" :: cloak of many cares

"One of the gladdest moments of human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and the slavery of home, man feels once more happy."

-Sir Richard Francis Burton

The steroids list.

Andy Pettitte?
Roger Clemens?
Players from all 30 teams.

This is awful.

Download the full report here.

John Mayer to Ryan Seacrest

One of my classic JM favorites.

I think I fell in love with him here.

Seacrest did "decode" it, and what Mayer told him was: "She is very beautiful and you'll be the last to know."

the new = copy of

I honestly don't know what Harvey Levin was thinking. He just made his website look EXACTLY like the new

The interface is a close copy and not a good one, at best.

Bad move, Levin.

I'm a TMZ fan but this is just a bad move any way you slice it.

Britney's Piece of Me....doesn't look bad.

Could she actually pull it off???

Full video coming soon!

The Hill's is fake...we get it.

Dear Celebrity Bloggers---

I'm so confused as to why you editors/writers/bloggers at, and every other celebrity blogger and the world won't seem to shut the f up about the fact that parts of The Hills may or may not be somewhat scripted/planned/re-cut/re-shot and the thousands of other accusations that are flying around.

Is it really a surprise that they re-shoot scenes, edit things in a different order to better tell a story? If I could edit my life--don't you think I would? Wouldn't you? Any story doesn't make sense in exactly the order it happened, it makes sense in the order it all comes together.

All reality shows are edited, scripted, and PRODUCED. Do you think Survivor, the Bachelor, I Love New York and the thousand of other trainwrecks are all REAL? Are you kidding me???

Seriously, you guys just need to back off. This is getting stupid.

Kill the conspiracy theory, we all agree with you IT IS LIKELY SCRIPTED.

But we still like it. So shut up.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mamma Mia (!) The Movie (!!)

Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Meryl Streep & that scary blonde chick from Big Love.

I think this just might be camp-ily awesome.

Spice Girls Documentary Clip

This is a great clip showcasing when Geri left. So sad!

office party patrol.

Sometimes NY Mag can be annoying (the blog team in particular) but this is pretty cool.

My only comment:

Pop Burger is overrated.

Sartiano, Akiva + Co really one of a kind?

This is yet to be seen.

But everyone is all over their new 1 OAK opening like white on rice, right Diddy and Leo? Ha.
Or is it more like hipsters on nightlife gurus? Or sluts on the bottle service train? Chelsea as still-the-place-everyone-opens-shit?

We shall see what evolves here...

I am looking forward to seeing if it really is one of a kind.

I must admit, the Darwin shit sounds cool.

golden globes :: and the nominees are...

Who I want to win is in pink.

Who I think will win is in red.

What are yours?


American Gangster
Eastern Promises
The Great Debaters
Michael Clayton
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood

Across the Universe
Charlie Wilson's War
Sweeney Todd

Tim Burton, Sweeney Todd
Joel and Ethan Coen, No Country for Old Men
Julian Schnabel, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Ridley Scott, American Gangster
Joe Wright, Atonement

George Clooney, Michael Clayton
Daniel Day-Lewis, There Will Be Blood
James McEvoy, Atonement
Viggo Mortensen, Eastern Promises
Denzel Washington, American Gangster

Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth: The Golden Age
Julie Christie, Away From Her
Jodie Foster, The Brave One
Angelina Jolie, A Mighty Heart
Keira Knightley, Atonement

Johnny Depp, Sweeney Todd
Ryan Gosling, Lars and the Real Girl
Tom Hanks, Charlie Wilson's War
Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Savages
John C. Reilly, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

Amy Adams, Enchanted
Nikki Blonsky, Hairspray
Helena Bonham Carter, Sweeney Todd
Marion Cotillard, La Vie en Rose
Ellen Page, Juno

Casey Affleck, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Charlie Wilson's War
John Travolta, Hairspray
Tom Wilkinson, Michael Clayton

Cate Blanchett, I'm Not There
Julia Roberts, Charlie Wilson's War
Saiorse Ronan, Atonement
Amy Ryan, Gone Baby Gone
Tilda Swinton, Michael Clayton

Diablo Cody, Juno
Ethan and Joel Coen, No Country for Old Men
Christopher Hampton, Atonement
Ronald Hardwood, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Aaron Sorkin, Charlie Wilson's War

Bee Movie
The Simpsons Movie

4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days (Romania)
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (France/U.S.)
The Kite Runner (U.S.)
Lust, Caution (Taiwan)
Persepolis (France)

Eastern Promises
Grace is Gone
Into the Wild
The Kite Runner

''That's How You Know,'' Enchanted
''Grace Is Gone,'' Grace Is Gone
''Guaranteed,'' Into the Wild
''Despedida,'' Love In the Time of Cholera
''Walk Hard,'' Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

What? Where is John Mayer from the Bucket List? I am vetoing this category!


Big Love
Grey's Anatomy
Mad Men
The Tudors

30 Rock
Pushing Daisies

Michael C. Hall, Dexter
Jon Hamm, Mad Men
Hugh Laurie, House
Bill Paxton, Big Love
Jonathan Rhys Meyers, The Tudors*

I'm really torn here...

Patricia Arquette, Medium
Glenn Close, Damages
Minnie Driver, The Riches
Edie Falco, The Sopranos*
Sally Field, Brothers & Sisters
Holly Hunter, Saving Grace
Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer

*If they don't give this to her, they should be shot...err...whacked.

Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Steve Carell, The Office
David Duchovny, Californication
Ricky Gervais, Extras
Lee Pace, Pushing Daisies

*For some reason they really rectangle Alec Baldwin

Christina Applegate, Samantha Who?
America Ferrera, Ugly Betty
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Anna Friel, Pushing Daisies
Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds*

*It is robbery if she doesn't win.

Ted Danson, Damages
Kevin Dillon, Entourage
Jeremy Piven, Entourage
Andy Serkis, Longford
William Shatner, Boston Legal
Donald Sutherland, Dirty Sexy Money

I really love Dirty Sexy Money.

Rose Byrne, Damages
Rachel Griffiths, Brothers & Sisters
Katherine Heigl, Grey's Anatomy
Samantha Morton, Longford
Anna Paquin, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Jaime Pressly, My Name Is Earl

I will totally puke if she wins.

5 Days
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
The Company
The State Within

Adam Beach, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Jim Broadbent, Longford
Ernest Borgnine, A Grandpa for Christmas
Jason Isaacs, The State Within
James Nesbitt, Jekyll

Bryce Dallas Howard, As You Like It
Queen Latifah, Life Support
Debra Messing, The Starter Wife
Sissy Spacek, Pictures of Hollis Woods
Ruth Wilson, Jane Eyre

amy winehouse :: love is a losing game.

So haunting. I really hope she gets it together.

Seacrest :: Times Square and Tenjune at the same time?

I was a little bit surprised when this invitation arrived in my email inbox. I have been known to go to Tenjune several times over the past year that it has been open and I appreciate the invite but I have to say I'm going to have to laugh and subsequently call bullshit on the whole Ryan Seacrest thing.

In case Mark and Eugene didn't get the press release Ryan Seacrest is going to be one of the hosts of the annual NYE celebration in Times Square. He will be there when the ball drops.

Memo to the "Tenjune Family" you don't have a host if he isn't going to be there during the actual transformation of 2007 to 2008. Stopping by at 3 a.m. doesn't count.

This is a new low, even for the Meatpacking District.

" :: accessorize what we've got

But maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been dealt, and accessorize what we've got. -- Sex and the City

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

emily and michelle insanity.

they got a roommate. she's black.

"our new roommate, she's black
and always drunk. in the past five minutes we've witnessed her running into a wall, chugging rum in her closet, drinking zwack from our freezer, running into the kitchen wall and falling over"

this is just crazy.

drink classy, ny.

This list is interesting.