Friday, December 14, 2007

The Hill's is fake...we get it.

Dear Celebrity Bloggers---

I'm so confused as to why you editors/writers/bloggers at, and every other celebrity blogger and the world won't seem to shut the f up about the fact that parts of The Hills may or may not be somewhat scripted/planned/re-cut/re-shot and the thousands of other accusations that are flying around.

Is it really a surprise that they re-shoot scenes, edit things in a different order to better tell a story? If I could edit my life--don't you think I would? Wouldn't you? Any story doesn't make sense in exactly the order it happened, it makes sense in the order it all comes together.

All reality shows are edited, scripted, and PRODUCED. Do you think Survivor, the Bachelor, I Love New York and the thousand of other trainwrecks are all REAL? Are you kidding me???

Seriously, you guys just need to back off. This is getting stupid.

Kill the conspiracy theory, we all agree with you IT IS LIKELY SCRIPTED.

But we still like it. So shut up.

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