Tuesday, December 25, 2007

i rectangle p.s. i love you.

....is actually a good movie.

Shocking I know?! Who would've known?!

It was filmed in Williamsburg when I lived there (horror!) and I thought it was going to be cheesy beyond belief --I saw them filming it x 100 (last October, November and part of December) and wasn't really impressed with what I saw. Lisa Kudrow is annoying. And I can't seem to shake the whole Boys Don't Cry thing...so many parts of me still think Hillary Swank kind of looks like a tranny but I must say....this movie was awesome, touching, heart warming and all of that jazz...and Swank had a fantastic shoe collection. It isn't Carrie Bradshaw style, but not bad. She might have redeemed herself.

The stealer of the show was Gerard Butler who is my new obsession.

I know what you guys are going to say...I am a sucker. What can I say?! Those accents are so sexy (!)

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