Thursday, February 14, 2008

michael johns = american idol hotness

I know some of you have to be watching American Idol this season? If so, I’m sure (if you are a female) that you are in love with this guy as much as I am. Michael Johns (on the right, the left is some unmemorable chick). He is so sexy and unfortunately married. He’s an Aussie LA transplant (cute accent and all…damn I want a guy with a cute accent!) with massive singing skills. This week he covered Bohemian Rhapsody. Yumm. If you aren’t watching AI you should just for him.

I know some of you have to be watching American Idol this season? If so, I’m sure (if you are a female) that you are in love with this guy as much as I am. Michael Johns (on the right, the left is some unmemorable chick). He is so sexy and unfortunately married. He’s an Aussie LA transplant (cute accent and all…damn I want a guy with a cute accent!) with massive singing skills. This week he covered Bohemian Rhapsody. Yumm. If you aren’t watching AI you should just for him.

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