Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mixtape Social Media Ambitions: Napster Part Deux?

In light of the recent muxtape convo, I thought some people might find this article from TechCrunch interesting. It is about Mixwit and Mixaloo, two online mixtape-ish social media endeavors.

I find the Mixaloo’s compliance with Record Labels to be somewhat of the inevitable and definitely a plus for their site. On Mashable there is some discussion about how it will not be too long before individual users of these mixtape sites are going to be targeted by record labels for uploading tracks that they aren’t authorized to share (which is like, almost all of them).

Think back to the Napster days…here we go again :)

So if you don’t want record labels to come after you individually (and they likely will) then Mixaloo is definitely the most compliant so far.

I find the slide-ish functionality of Mixwit to be pretty cool and the interface pretty usable. And I really love the simplicity of Muxtape. They all bring interesting things to the table.


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