Sunday, January 6, 2008

Dating via the Internet Code of Conduct

I've been trying to figure out in my mind how I am going to share with you my journey (or lack thereof) with some of these CL respondents. So I have figured out that I am going to establish a

"Sarah's Responding to Internet Men Code of Conduct"

1. I must not reply to ads that do not immediately occur to me to respond to. I cannot start to feel sorry for these guys. I am not their savior.
2. I must replace their names and email addresses with REDACTED, especially if I am making fun of them. This is journalistic for --- not sharing to protect privacy.
3. If they do not send a picture, I will not respond.
4. If they write something awful, I will not reply with a lesson in grammar and punctuation.
5. When I reply to a guy if he becomes a 'prospect' I will create a nickname for him and refer to him on here by that nickname.
6. I will try my best to chronicle any 'prospects' as they unfold.
7. I will not give out my # until at least 3 photos have been shared and/or a Facebook or Myspace page. I have to make sure he isn't a photo stealer.
8. When/if I meet him/them in person it will be in public, with lots of people.
9. If I ever really decide that I like one of said 'prospects' I will either 1) stop writing about it 2) tell him that I have been and will now cease or continue.
10. I will not send any of them the sexy picture of me in the jean skirt.

Is there anything else I should add? This might be a work in progress as it unfolds.

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