Thursday, March 27, 2008

" :: ovid

I flee who chases me, and chase who flees me.

-Ovid (my birthday quote of the day, happy birthday Ovid!)

Is there anything more true?

we all need a lil of this.

(via alanajoy) I need this. I just got really annoyed, probably more than I should’ve been. Love this. Thanks for sharing!

(via alanajoy)

from the lovely alana on Tumblr. Love this!

princess bride.

(via testumblrone) I love this line and movie. Classic.

(via testumblrone)

from my friends at Tumblr. Love this.

tumblr meetup :: Whisk & Ladle

I'm going to be getting together again with my fab tumblr friends, if you aren't on tumblr you should be, but if you can't give up blogger totally yet (look at me, I'm not) then you should STILL come to this meetup. Tumblr people rock.


It’s time for another meetup! Instead of congregating at a bar, we’re doing things a bit differently this time. We’re meeting at the Whisk&Ladle!

You’ll need to RSVP for this so I can email you the exact address. At the request of the folks who run this fine establishment, they ask you not to re-blog the address. Just email me at leetumbls (at) by Wednesday, April 2nd. I’ll send everyone the address that same night.

I know this is the same night as the tumblinas event, so I hope you all can swing by afterwards!

When: April 5th @ 10 PM

Where: Whisk&Ladle in Williamsburg (take L train to Bedford)

Please re-blog and spread the word!

" :: tennessee, tennessee

"There is a time for departure even when there’s no certain place to go."

-Tennessee Williams

oh, Willie.

soupsoup:dazzlingdelta:didyouevernotice: Willie Nelson Poster  by Dirk Fowler       (via OMG Posters) My hero.     soupsoup:dazzlingdelta:didyouevernotice:

From my fabulous friends over on tumblr.

That is where I am primarily hanging out blogging these days.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

and after the burn.

….and in hotel in El Lay after (!) btw, I am wearing a really cute Alice & Trixie jumper, will have to share in a later photo. I SUCK at taking photos of myself.

….and in hotel in El Lay after (!) btw, I am wearing a really cute Alice & Trixie jumper, will have to share in a later photo. I SUCK at taking photos of myself.

before the burn in Malibu

Poolside in Malibu…before the burn.
Poolside in Malibu…before the burn.

Mixtape Social Media Ambitions: Napster Part Deux?

In light of the recent muxtape convo, I thought some people might find this article from TechCrunch interesting. It is about Mixwit and Mixaloo, two online mixtape-ish social media endeavors.

I find the Mixaloo’s compliance with Record Labels to be somewhat of the inevitable and definitely a plus for their site. On Mashable there is some discussion about how it will not be too long before individual users of these mixtape sites are going to be targeted by record labels for uploading tracks that they aren’t authorized to share (which is like, almost all of them).

Think back to the Napster days…here we go again :)

So if you don’t want record labels to come after you individually (and they likely will) then Mixaloo is definitely the most compliant so far.

I find the slide-ish functionality of Mixwit to be pretty cool and the interface pretty usable. And I really love the simplicity of Muxtape. They all bring interesting things to the table.


many faces of Hayden.

The many faces of Hayden Panettiere in this month’s Seventeen Mag. There is something about her that is so refreshing. She just seems to be a real person, unlike the Lohans of the young acting world. So cute! (via Perez)

The many faces of Hayden Panettiere in this month’s Seventeen Mag. There is something about her that is so refreshing. She just seems to be a real person, unlike the Lohans of the young acting world. So cute! (via Perez)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

" :: west africa

I love Africa in general — South Africa and West Africa, they are both great countries.

-Paris Hilton

hotel cafe tour 08

lfarm:  Hi, Josh Radin. You’re standing in a rainbow.  So sad I missed this. Lovely photo Lauren.


Hi, Josh Radin. You’re standing in a rainbow.

So sad I missed this. Lovely photo Lauren! I had to miss the Hotel Cafe Tour to go to LA (Sad, sad, sad) Lauren, a tumblr friend, took this lovely photo there. I'm so sad I missed it!

getting my Vickie B. on

This is me doing my best Victoria Beckham imitation (lame I know) moments after we saw her on Rodeo…as lame as that sounds, it actually happened. ps-I am going to stop uploading photos for now, I know how annoying it is when people post a kajillion in a row.

This is me doing my best Victoria Beckham imitation (lame I know) moments after we saw her on Rodeo…as lame as that sounds, it actually happened.

ps-I am going to stop uploading photos for now, I know how annoying it is when people post a kajillion in a row.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Britney does HIMYM

Uh oh. Don’t call it a comeback?


I just watched this movie last night the Jane Austen Book Club where all of the main characters are members of this club where they read the six Jane Austen novels over 6 months (they might do weeks, but I would def do months) and discuss one per month, with each person taking the lead on one of the books.

The movie wasn’t that good, although I adore Hugh Dancy + Emily Blunt. However, the idea is awesome.

I’d really love to do this. Jane Austen’s work is so timely and insightful. I think it would be so fun to get pitchers of beer (or maybe a ton of wine/cheese), get together, and discuss.

Would anyone in nyc be interested? Girls and guys are welcome. Please comment or shoot me an email if you might be interested.

Monday, March 10, 2008

why clueless is a great movie.

Cher: Do you prefer “fashion victim” or “ensembly challenged”?

Cher: Dionne and I were both named after famous singers of the past, who now do infomercials.

Cher: Searching for a boy in high school is as useless as searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

" :: shaw

This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one: the being a force of nature instead of a feverish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me. It is a sort of splendid torch that I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to a future generation.
—George Bernard Shaw

Monday, March 3, 2008

" :: viagra

My agent rang me and said, ‘You’ve been offered an incredibly big deal - it’s to be the face of Viagra’. And I just said, ‘Sorry, but that has to be a fucking insult.’

— -Simon Cowell (who is 48).

Carrie Underwood + Keith Urban do Rihanna

february showers?

I just passed this coming from a doctor’s appointment. For some reason even though they are clearly painted year round this + today’s lovely weather…gives way to hope that spring is almost here.

I just passed this coming from a doctor’s appointment. For some reason even though they are clearly painted year round this + today’s lovely weather…gives way to hope that spring is almost here.

" :: kate hudson

Who is she? Oh, that girl in 27 Dresses? I just don’t think about that stuff.

— - Kate Hudson on “rivals” and new box office darling Katherine Heigl, in the new issue of Elle UK (via Perez Hilton). Love it—Team Hudson! Katherine Heigl is ANNOYING.

19 days....

until Spring!

battle of overpriced festivals: rothbury vs. all points west

In the battle of mid-sized, over-priced, full weekend festivals, I have to say that so far, the Rothbury (in Michigan) Festival kicks the ass of the All Points West Festival. APW gets big points for Radiohead, but the balance in ‘good’ acts on the Rothbury lineup KILLS the lineup over at APW in my opinion.


Btw, where the hell is Rothbury, Michigan?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

" :: graham bell

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.

— Alexander Graham Bell.