so I went to hear my friend kellie nicole sing the other night (isn't she great!) and at that show i met this friend of her's...nipple. (My name for him--to his face, lloooong story).
Shut up, I know what you are thinking....I always come up with names for people. What can I say? I'm gifted =)
So back to the subject at hand: Shadiness.
have you ever met someone and you really just thought they might be a cool person (fun, semi-attractive, articulate, entertaining, good manners, any combo of the above) and you felt yourself intrigued to be their friend yet in the back of your mind you felt like there might be something super shady about them?
yep, that's nipple in a nutshell.
the verdict is out on this guy. i'll likely never see him again and i don't really care but i'm telling you, there is something very strange about this guy. I have this weird feeling he is going to resurface at a later and totally inappropriate time.
What I really want to know from my invisible readers are---does this ever happen to you? Do you ever meet someone and feel strangely drawn to them and you don't know why? Do you ever meet anyone and feel like you will meet them again?
What gives...I'll keep you posted. And by you I mean the zero people who read this shit.
Photo: In honor of nipple, I am posting for you the totally inappropriate photo of Jessica Simpson on an average day letting it all hang out. Enjoy. Puke. Whatever your poison.
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