[EDIT]: I learned so much writing this. It was very interesting. The photo is of Elle. She is my constant stream of consciousness. And I love this photo of her, so that's why it is included.
Here we go...
1. My mother told me the quote "it's never too late to be what you might have been" my freshman year of college when I was depressed, I think about this quote everyday.
2. I really hate when people say "quote" instead of "quotation" it isn't proper.
3. I also hate people who can't distinguish your/you're or their/there. Come on. This is why Europeans can't stand Americans.
4. I used to be a Republican, then I got totally jaded, opened my mind and realized that what we are doing as a country is not ok.
5. I still can't forgive myself for many of my mistakes.
6. I have lost so many friendships due to to these mistakes and I don't know if I will ever really get over that.
7. It really is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. I believe this because I've lived it.
8. My ex boyfriend broke up with me in an email. I haven't spoken to him since. Sometimes I still believe he might be the love of my life and I will probably always wonder what happened. But after 1.5 years I finally can go a day without thinking about him.
9. I am so much like my mother it terrifies me.
10. My sister inspires me everyday, even her bad ones.
11. My dad is the greatest man I have ever met. He is the only person who has loved me without condition and I owe everything I have and everything that is good in me to him.
12. I am terrible with commitment.
13. I love accents. Especially Irish ones.
14. I've been with one uncircumcised man. I loved him. He's got one of #13.
15. I'm addicted to sugar free Red Bull.
16. There is nothing quite like sitting in my room, chain smoking cigarettes, and listening to country music on repeat. It is so healing.
17. I need therapy. Bad. I'm working on that. I think everyone needs it.
18. Mobile Campus changed my life.
19. I have met so many Joshs in my life that I have had a bond with. Some I have loved. Others have just changed my life.
20. One day I will write a book.
21. Roy Eder is a great man. He is a mentor, a friend, a fabulous person. He had a huge impact on my life. I'll always be grateful.
22. I've read The Assault on Reason twice and I still think I might have missed some things.
23. I have a really hard time saying no.
24. I really love expensive jeans.
25. I wish that I had more MAC makeup. I love the eyeshadows.
26. If I was rich I would care more about the interior of my house than the interior of my closet. Decorating first, wardrobe second.
27. I secretly scavenge resale store Buffalo Exchange for used treasures, once or twice a month. It is a guilty pleasure of mine.
28. I really think I could be friends with Lauren Conrad.
29. Aleeza Gordon is the best friend I've ever had. She is truly a sister and will be with me for life, of this I'm sure.
30. I love the book Shopgirl.
31. I really hate coffee but drink it anyways sometimes.
32. As much as I hate to admit it, I am a total celebrity whore. I'd just never act on it.
33. If you mess with me, I can be brutal.
34. I've learned more in 1 year in NYC than I did in 3 years in Austin.
35. I miss field hockey like crazy.
36. I often think what life would've been like if I wouldn't have gone to the Asheville School.
37. Krissy, Francis, Kaleah & Katrina will stay with me always in my heart.
38. There is nothing quite like kicking someone's ass in a competitive sport.
39. I suck at losing.
40. I am not sure if I am going to be a good mother or if I will even be a mother at all. I'm up in the air on this.
41. I am constantly afraid that I'll let the right guy walk away because I'm too scared.
42. I'm also afraid I'll never find him or pick the wrong one and end up divorced.
43. All married guys are tempted to cheat. I fully believe this. Since moving here I've experienced it like 4-5 times in various scenarios (the married guy's attempt) and three of them are men I highly respect who are super successful.
44. The fact that married guys tend to cheat (the successful ones) makes me even more paranoid about the whole marriage scene.
45. I have an aunt-in-law who is a witch.
46. I don't believe in psychics...mostly because I don't really want to know whatever they might have to say. I pretend to live more spontaneously.
47. I'd pretty much do anything for anyone that I love.
48. I do not consider myself to be a 'religious' person but I am definitely spiritual. CS Lewis writes some great spiritual books.
49. All the time I am looking for a First Edition copy of "The Little Prince" for my father. It is his favorite book.
50. I really love the show Gossip Girl.
51. I think in my past lifetime I was an Upper East side Jewish girl who went to Trinity.
52. I am torn between being a southern girl at heart and a Yankee in spirit.
53. Iris Barkley will always be one of my favorite moms.
54. If I try to think about a favorite song of all time, I would probably say that it is a toss up between "Better Together" by Jack Johnson, "Human Nature" by Michael Jackson, and "Please" a country song by the Kinleys. But I also love "Slow Dancing in a burning Room" by John Mayer. Its hard to pick just one.
55. I really love high heels. I think my calves look better in them.
56. When I was a kid I was in love with cows.
57. I often think my chihuahua looks like a cow.
58. My chihuahua is one of the great loves of my life. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.
59. I have this strange feeling I will be married within the next 2 years.
60. Ugg boots will never go out of style to me.
61. Marc Jacobs is a genius, I fully believe that.
62. I have Nordstrom to thank for me understanding contemporary designer fashion.
63. I really love dumplings and dim-sum in winter.
64. I agree with Alon that pho is the best hungover food. That and tacos.
65. One of the things I miss most about Austin is breakfast tacos.
66. I tend to second guess myself all the time which is strange because I am very impulsive.
67. I have moved to two cities alone and would do it again in a heartbeat, although I love NYC.
68. Speaking of loving NYC, I think that this is a city that you have a relationship with, like a love affair. There are ups and downs, you go through financial difficulties, stresses like you wouldn't imagine, but in the end you stay because you're in love and you just can't leave.
69. John Mayer is so smart. He's like my hero. His blogs are a total inspiration. I'm still pondering the whole Jessica Simpson thing.
70. I really want fake boobs.
71. I agree with the rap song: you never trust a big butt and a smile.
72. I have found that if a guy seems too good to be true, he usually is.
73. If I could go anywhere to die in my retirement currently it would be Prince Edward Island. That place moved me to tears.
74. When I grew up I was always so glad Anne ended up with Gilbert Blythe.
75. I never got into the whole ipod thing until I got one, then I was sold.
76. I am learning new things about the Internet all the time. I thought I knew some stuff but then recently realized I don't know shit.
77. I have been out on an Internet- based blind date. Ha. No one knows that.
78. I really love Gawker. Those guys and gals are awesome.
79. I think Angelina is better than Aniston. Team Bragelina all the way. Until they break up, that is.
80. I think you can like Britney Spears and also be knowledgeable and passionate about the environment, politics, etc. I don't think they are mutually exclusive.
81. The thing I have most lusted after (besides a man) this year is Derek Lam purses. He uses the Aries ram, I just love them.
82. I think Blackberries are way better than Treos.
83. I don't like sweets.
84. I hate jean shorts even more than sweets.
85. I prefer Sam Mason over Harold Dieterle.
86. As I have gotten older I've learned more and more that looks aren't everything. Now I value drive, personality, ambition (is that the same as drive?), perspective, and respect/loyalty way more. Dont' get me wrong...he still has to be hot.
87. It turns out, it's not where but who you are with that really matters. [ Thanks DMB]
88. Black clothing in most cases looks good on everyone. So do bootcut jeans. Not flared. Bootcut.
89. Rain boots come in mighty handy in NYC.
90. One of my other favorite quotes is courtesy of Sex and the City in which Carrie says "So many roads, so many detours, so many choices, so many mistakes." I think that pretty much sums up my life.
91. Revenge isn't always great but for some reason it still always feels damn good.
92. I am highly argumentative... but usually won't argue unless I am sure if I am going to win.
93. I am really terrified that I might not ever find love. That is my greatest fear.
94. I hate spam mail. Why have a spam folder? Why not just remove it all together?
95. I was never the prettiest girl in high school, it feels great to be considered pretty now. I'm glad I seem to be getting better with age.
96. Speaking of that one of my favorite lyrics comes from Gavin DeGraw when he says "it just gets better with time...and so do you."
97. My other favorite is from Jack Johnson when he says "love is the answers to all of the questions in my heart--why are we here? where do we go? and how come it's so hard?"
98. Irish men do all love to drink but are more polite than any man you will likely encounter from this side of the pond.
99. Life is a bitch. But you learn as you go.
100. I always thought I would be famous. But [to paraphrase Ethan Hawke] I have been in the minor leagues for 26 years now and it just doesn't look like I am going to be called up.
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