Spears, always photographed but rarely interviewed these days, had an interview with Ryan Seacrest theoretically intended to discuss Blackout. Instead she spoke less than her assistant, Alli Sims, and friend, Sam Lufti, laughed the whole time in the background.
To listen to the entire interview click here, to read the highlights, look below.
Interview Highlights:
When Seacrest asked Spears whether she was doing all she could for her children, Spears replied, "Oh, God, yeah."
"People say what they want and do what they do and it's sad how people, how cruel our world can be," she said. "At the end of the day ... you've just got to know in your heart that you're doing the best you can and that's basically it."
Current custody arraignments give Spears' ex-husband, Kevin Federline [puke] primary custody of Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1. A judge on Tuesday granted Spears three monitored visits a week.
She has to know that right?
Yet she maintained she had no idea when Seacrest asked how often she would see the boys.
"That's, like, all in the court," she said. "Stuff like that, my lawyers know all that stuff."
Seacrest apparently woke Spears up when he called her for the interview, and at times she didn't seem to understand his questions or really care to answer them.
When Seacrest asked Spears whether the intense coverage of her recent issues has been "overwhelming," she said, "Wait, what?"
She then added: "People talk and they say what they want at the end of the day, you know in the tabloids and in the magazines," she said. "But you just try to keep on doing what you do, like, you know, and as long as you know what's up and you know what's true, that's all that really matters, you know?"
Blackout, her first album in four years was released Tuesday and will be #1 next week.
Spears said she didn't do anything special to celebrate the release, specifically: "we watched movies ... had fried chicken."
Her favorite Blackout song...Heaven on Earth [totally not my favorite] "It's a cool track. It's like, I love the producers who did that and it's kind of different from all the other songs."
My favorite part---addressing rumors that she is dating Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, Spears said: "Who?"
The interview ended unexpectedly Sims took the phone, saying Spears had left to take a shower. What? Errrr. Britney! She never even thanked her fans. Sims had to do it for her.
To listen to the full interview click here.
Maybe she's acting like she doesn't care because if the album bombs it won't be her fault and once it doesn't she will kick back into hard-working Britney mode?
Honestly, I just don't understand what the f she is thinking?
No, sadly she is not smarter than that. She is a spoilt brat that is getting a hard lesson in reality and i for one applaud it. Her selfish contempt for her fans was made obvious with her "where the hell's Australia anyway?" comments when she thought she was off-air in an Australian interview early in her career. My only hope is that her fans will now see her for the talentless sloth that she is. Her recent return performance on stage was a woeful and overweight performance. Was it not obvious to her as it was to everyone else, that the 'support' she had from her peers was out of pity? I'm sure this support is fast wearing thin. How can anyone that has no real interest in their own children care about their fans? Maybe when everyone has given up on her she will grow the f@!k up, Maybe even do a basic geography lesson or two.
Hello. And Bye.
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