My daily5, comin' at you slightly early today.
1. Britney's cd rocks. Of course this had to be #1. I will always be a fan, no matter what you haters say.
2. I think cell phone companies are evil. I changed my plan, they cut off my voicemail. It took me 2 hours and 45 minutes and four Sprint PCS specialists to get it resolved.
3. They are putting a flipping fatburger in my neighborhood. Thanks, Pharrell. Ewe. Another reason for my campaign to move the path train out of the west village.
4. I learned what an aggregator is today.
5. Today Gawker had some tidbit about how Divorce is the New Marriage. Duh. I think all of the married men I have met since living here are on the road to this party. Perhaps this should be my new business venture...
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