This girl is hilarious. This week's advice is better than ever (and check out her tatas--damngirl!)
My favorite part (it gets a bit lengthy)...I'm sure you can guess what she's referring to.
If it don't smell good to you, it damn sure won't smell good to him. That's my motto. And you guys out there, you know how they say at the New York Transit Authority, "If you see something, say something", well Tionna is going to change it up in Gawker terms for all the advice seekers out there: IF YOU SMELL SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Most women are pleasers and we would like your sexual experience to be as lovely as possible so please help us out. And with that being said, I will do the same. So you men out there better watch your balls, and wash your balls (wow, that should be this week's t-shirt)...
Thanks babes, I appreciate the love...Im glad I could make you laugh...
I wrote that comment BTW- Tionna Smalls- myspace.com/mssmalls.
Aww Tionna! I love you girl!
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