Jonathan Rhys Meyers was nabbed yesterday by Irish cops, after he allegedly got rowdy in Dublin Airport, and he's been charged with public drunkenness and breach of peace, reports the AP. What? You? Drunk? Again? Why?
The actor was arrested Sunday, over what was reported to be "erratic, abusive" behavior at an airport gate and an airline desk on his way to London, even after the cops asked him to chill. He was charged by the Garda Siochana (that's the Irish national po-po) with two counts of violating the Public Order Act. He'll have to return to court on Dec. 5.
Rhys Meyers told the AP back in 2006 that he "would never drink again" to help preserve his career. Time to head to Promises, my friend.
Please don't let us down--we NEED a new season of the Tudors!
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