Thursday, January 17, 2008

John McCain's daughter almost makes me want to switch parties.

Her blog that chronicles her journey with her dad on the campaign trail is real without being pretentious something that Chelsea Clinton couldn't master even on an extra fabulous day. Meghan McCain is cute, funny, smart, engaging, and a real person.

She doesn't feed her blog with political fodder, she is just a daughter supporting her father.

And I love that.

ps--her sense of style kicks Clinton's kids ass.


Anonymous said...

yeah her sense of style, as shown in hat above, is fabulous.. I mean you know if you like wearing the fur of dead animals. Jesus, what a TERRIBLE role model for youth. Disgusting and so unaware. This girl needs an education.

It is pathetic when there are so many other options out there. Why doesn't she use her blog as a platform to make people aware of the fur trade and especially in China. Horrific.


Anonymous said...


How do you know it's real fur from just looking at a picture? Get real.