But for now....Jason Statham. I don't know what it is about this guy that makes him my #1 celebrity that I'd love to have wild passionate sex with every single day for the rest of my life. I don't think I'd want a fling with him, which is strange, because he seems like the bad boy, fling type. The kind you don't want to marry because you know that they are of the general TYPES of men, the least likely to be trusted. Well, besides professional athletes. Those guys are the WORST.
So what makes guys like this sexy? It sure isn't his height. He's only 5'8 1/2 aka WAYYYY below my requirement.
He's just one of those guys. The ones you know you shouldn't like, but you can't help but really find yourself drawn to. Like some kind of moth to a flame I feel like I want my life to be an adventure. I want to be with someone WITH a spine. With balls. Someone who is a badass. Someone who shows his softer side only to me. One part rock and roll, one part gentlemen.
I don't want to be with a guy that couldn't kick another guy's ass. Not that I would ever want him to, because I wouldn't, but I would want to know that he could. Does that make sense?
Sigh. Jason Statham. Former Olympian. Former Blackmarket Salesman. Currently sexy, single, and out of my league in Los Angeles.

makes complete sense to me!
I'm a big jason statham fan love love love him but to add he's actually 5'11
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